Saturday, December 5, 2015



BREWERY:  The Boston Beer Company

STYLE:  Bock

ABV:  5.6%

PURCHASE:  Draught (60-oz. pitcher), $10.00

SERVING:  Said pitcher, poured into chilled pint glass. Just a standard pour produced an initial head that took up almost half the glass; a slower pour didn't get much less. Good head retention.

APPEARANCE:  Very dark amber color, bordering upon auburn. Great fluffy tan-beige head. Decent lacing.

BOUQUET:  Roasty aroma full of toasted malt barley. Rounded out by a fair proportion of hops, orange zest, and hints of various spices; namely allspice, cloves, pepper, and a touch of cinnamon. On the whole, a somewhat piney aroma, but in a highly inviting way.

PALATE:  Medium to slightly heavy body with carbonation that remains subdued unless you foolishly allow it to fester. Smooth overall mouthfeel that gets better as it warms a bit. Lightly hoppy, but the main attraction here--at least early on--is the roasty malt that sets in immediately and never relinquishes. Finish sees a bit of yeast, but more an onset of orange zest and spice notes. At least two of the following seem to be present in the aftertaste: Pepper, clove, allspice, cinnamon, maybe even coriander. 

MUSINGS AND METAPHORS:  I may be in the minority here, but this is the best of the Sam Seasonals, easily besting the just-okay Summer Ale and the good-but-not-great Octoberfest and Cold Snap. Although it doesn't quite match the flagship Boston Lager.

Fits the season very well, with its slightly piney aroma. 


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