BREWERY: Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG
STYLE: Märzen/Oktoberfest
ABV: 5.8%
PURCHASE: Six-pack of 11.2-oz. bottles, $13.99
SERVING: 11.2-oz. bottle, poured into pint glass. 2 1/2" head with a normal pour. A slow pour got less than an inch. A fast one on beer #3 got about three full inches, if only briefly. So-so retention.
APPEARANCE: An Oktoberfest that doesn't stand out visually. Light copper body, kind of like a penny, that borders on dark gold. Beige-white head. Transparent with minor bubbling. No lacing around the glass whatsoever.
AROMA: Somewhat grassy, with a "fresh veggie" vibe to it. A hint of grain and, possibly, a placebo note of hops if you're looking for it. Honestly smells like it could pass for a macrolager from this side of the Atlantic.
TASTE: An Oktoberfest whose taste contradicts its aroma. Roasty from the get-go. Forward notes of barley. Throughline of subtle richness. Increasingly hoppy toward the end, but still falls well short of IPA territory. Somewhat syrupy and fusel finish with a crescendo of caramel and a bit of generic spice. Smooth overall mouthfeel with standard carbonation. Goes down fast.
MUSINGS AND METAPHORS: Thankfully, I have an open mind. I don't let a questionable first impression spoil an entire experience. Otherwise, I'd likely be shitting all over this.
Simple but effective taste profile. Doesn't do too much, but what it does do, it does damn well. Say that ten times fast. I dare you.
Paulaner is one of six German breweries who officially supply beer for Oktoberfest. They are not to be confused with the makers of "all-fruit." What's all-fruit? It's a fruity spread for toast, muffins, bagels, et al. But please, please, don't call it jelly.
BREWERY: Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG
STYLE: Märzen/Oktoberfest
ABV: 5.8%
PURCHASE: Six-pack of 11.2-oz. bottles, $13.99
SERVING: 11.2-oz. bottle, poured into pint glass. 2 1/2" head with a normal pour. A slow pour got less than an inch. A fast one on beer #3 got about three full inches, if only briefly. So-so retention.
APPEARANCE: An Oktoberfest that doesn't stand out visually. Light copper body, kind of like a penny, that borders on dark gold. Beige-white head. Transparent with minor bubbling. No lacing around the glass whatsoever.
AROMA: Somewhat grassy, with a "fresh veggie" vibe to it. A hint of grain and, possibly, a placebo note of hops if you're looking for it. Honestly smells like it could pass for a macrolager from this side of the Atlantic.
TASTE: An Oktoberfest whose taste contradicts its aroma. Roasty from the get-go. Forward notes of barley. Throughline of subtle richness. Increasingly hoppy toward the end, but still falls well short of IPA territory. Somewhat syrupy and fusel finish with a crescendo of caramel and a bit of generic spice. Smooth overall mouthfeel with standard carbonation. Goes down fast.
MUSINGS AND METAPHORS: Thankfully, I have an open mind. I don't let a questionable first impression spoil an entire experience. Otherwise, I'd likely be shitting all over this.
Simple but effective taste profile. Doesn't do too much, but what it does do, it does damn well. Say that ten times fast. I dare you.
Paulaner is one of six German breweries who officially supply beer for Oktoberfest. They are not to be confused with the makers of "all-fruit." What's all-fruit? It's a fruity spread for toast, muffins, bagels, et al. But please, please, don't call it jelly.